
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2013

The Green NYC Fashion Runway

There I was sitting at the end of the runway in NYC with a judge's clipboard. I was a fashion judge! Not just any fashion judge but a green fashion judge! I am not a fashion saavy person but I was selected as a judge a few years ago. So how could I judge based on being clueless about fashion? Thankfully I didn't need to because I had green fashion designers on each side and we had a lot of whispering back and forth. Cute kids paraded in front of me as did adults in functional or crazy clothes. What made the clothes green to me what was how little of an impact they had on the environment. Yes the organic cotton imported from Egypt was "green" but it was MANUFACTURED and SHIPPED across an ocean and around the continent. Then there were the repurposed clothes. Clothes that had been salvaged from thrift stores then were carefully redesigned into one of a kind treasures. I liked these and the winning designer based on style and greenness had used repurposed clothes. The ow...

A FREE Double Breast-pump and My New Facebook Page

GIVEAWAY ALERT! You, my readers, have given me so much support!  So much so that I am going to the next level and I am thanking you for it. I set up a Facebook Page and if you LIKE it by December 20th , I will enter you to win a FREE brand new double breast-pump: The First Years Breastflow Memory Pump valued at $179.99 . Do you just want to support me and don't need a pump? No problem. You can pass on the pump or have it shipped anywhere: a friend, a relative or a women's shelter. I had the opportunity to try this pump and it turned the head of every woman in the pumping room. The entire ensemble is incredibly light weight which was great for lugging around all day at the conference that I was at. The handle allowed for me to easily pump one handed. It's battery is  rechargeable and was able to hold enough charge for me to go all day without plugging in although I had the light-weight plug in my bag just in case. It makes a great travel pump. The First Years® Breast...

The Cord: To Bank or Not To Bank?

Moms are evenly divided on this fence! So many of us have been touched by a illness or fear the worst for our babies. The idea of banking the blood inside the umbilical cord after delivery to one day heal someone in your family in enticing. The cord blood is so amazing that there are benefits to letting your own child immediately receive the blood. What to do? Use it now or later or not at all? Use it now Some moms keep the umbilical cord attached until it drains of blood and stops pulsing to know that the baby has received the final nourishment. The NYTimes reported that " a new analysis has found that delaying clamping for at least a minute after birth, which allows more time for blood to move from the placenta, significantly improves iron stores and hemoglobin levels in newborns and does not increase the risks to mothers". Other moms enjoy a "lotus birth" where they keep the cord attached to the baby for around 10 days until it naturally falls off. Even  ABC New...

Formula Freakout - Did you pick the right formula?

I don't judge. You made your own decision based on their own knowledge or were forced to make through adoption or your own health. If you are still pregnant or struggling with breastfeeding, please read everything and don't be shy to ask for help. You want the best nutrition for your baby because what you feed your baby will affect them and their longterm IQ . What happens if you eat cake for dinner versus a well balanced meal? Babies get their first exposure to taste and nutrition while in the womb. They eat what their mom eats. Their nutritional habits continue to form by your food choices now that the baby is born. Think how you want your child to eat when they are three years old and what steps do you have to make in order to make that happen? It is overwhelming to stand in the infant formula aisle. How do you know which infant formula to buy? What is the difference between ingredients? Why are there such price differences? Is generic really the same as non-generic? Can yo...