I am one of the top 20 blogs of 2012!

I am so not a "standard" blogger. I don't visit other blogs, advertise myself or anything! I just write for the sake of writing and educating pregnant women. I have been blown away by the number of page hits that continue to come in long after I have completed this project. For those of you who have not read the blog, start at the beginning and allow yourself to think outside of the box! It came as a huge surprise to find out that Babble rated me on of the Top 20 Pregnancy Blogs of 2012. Wow! Me?! Babble is "Disney's online Moms and family portfolio. The Walt Disney Company supports Babble as a platform dedicated to honest, engaged, informed, intelligent and open conversation about parenting." My Green and Natural Pregnancy This simple and informative blog is written in such a down-to-earth tone by a holistic health coach who shares her own experience in having a chemical-free, natural pregnancy. Her blog inspires me to stick to my plan of using cloth d...